Bob Rae will retire this Summer says John Ivison

Ottawa insider John Ivison writes in the National Post that Toronto-Centre-Rosedale MP Bob Rae will retire this Summer rather than play second fiddle to “Trudeau Jr.” Ivison no doubt has good sources but it is his own eyes and ears that have helped him sketch this sensitive view of the venerable Mr.Rae more as a statesman than party stalwart. Ivison also offers a thoughtful before and after glimpse of  Rae the  party healer of just 18 months ago against someone now much sought after by Trudeau and others to help retain his central Toronto bulwark for the Liberals. Ivison also touches on the new dynamic in play with the creation of the riding of Mt. Pleasant, a plum many Conservatives feel they may be able to pluck. Ivison says George Smitherman is noodling a run there for the Liberals. Whom might the CPs like: Jane Pitfield? John Tory?Karen Stintz?  John Ivison 

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