Davisville residents fight highrise plan for school

Davisville Junior Public School
The Toronto and District School Board is pushing hard to get an exemption to the city height bylaw so it can build a new “school” at the site of Davisville Junior Public School on Merton Street. Trouble is, the new DJPS would be housed in a 24-storey high-rise where such structures are simply not permitted. The limit on Merton is four storeys. It’s been more than 40 years since Toronto, led by Mayor David Crombie, went to war to demand that midtown and north Toronto residential streets be shielded from such highrises. The stand-off is well underway between the school board and members of council. Frankly it seems like a lousy deal. It’s true that DJPS is old and needs replacement. It’s also true the TDSB is in hock. Readers will recall that the TDSB recently floated plans to sell off surplus school land like that surrounding Bennington Heights PS. If the flat lands around Bennington were turned over to residential homes it would not necessarily be a bad thing. But the rationale that bylaws to protect neighborhoods can be broken because the school board is in debt is an invitation to disaster. Let the school board work within the rules.