The Globe and Mail has a nice piece today on the struggles of Andy Elder, owner of Grilltime Gourmet Meat Shop to keep his business going now that the fancy big Longo’s supermarket has opened across the street in Leaside Village. The picture is easy to get. His five-year-old shop was doing nicely, seeing a 16 percent increase in sales during the first eight months of 2012, the Globe says. Of course that all changed when Longos opened. Sales fell four percent in August against the previous year. The Globe and Mail article is interesting because it asks retail experts, some in the same type of business as Mr. Elder, what to do. They stress quality and service. Don’t just concentrate on Leaside if you can afford to deliver, one source advised. We note that there is a parking lot at this rather new series of units on west side of Laird near Kenrae Drive. There is parking beside the Starbucks next door. Both the parking and Starbucks have to be an asset. Many merchants on South Bayview would love to have that little parking lot beside them.