Long-running Coxwell sewer bypass finished

The long-running re-build of the Coxwell Sanitary Trunk Sewer (CSTS) bypass is completed. For residents in the area and all those who travel O’Çonnor Drive into and out of Leaside the unsightly main access to this project at Coxwell and O’Connor has become part of the landscape. The original  sewer was built in the late 1950s and has been serving about 750,000 residents of  central Toronto. It carries some 400 million litres of waste water a day to the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant. In 2008, an assessment of the CSTS determined that a 60-metre section located near Coxwell and O’Connor was damaged and needed to be repaired or replaced. After significant technical analysis, it was determined that building a bypass around the damaged section was the best solution. Construction began in 2010 and the original trunk sewer was continuously monitored and in full operation during the entire construction period.