New papers on Project Vapour enrage opposition

The Wynne government has released dozens more documents today related to the decision to close the two gas-fired energy plants during the last election campaign at enormous cost to the public. The appearance of the documents has enraged the opposition and seems likely to further the inclination of the parties to seek an election.  The Progressive Conservatives in particular are targeting Premier Wynne, claiming she was well aware of and participated in the decisions to cancel the plants in Oakville and Mississauga. The PCers have released a television ad claiming newly released documents show Wynne was briefed on the move, which was given the sinister name of Project Vapour.  For vapour, it was expensive. The decision is estimated to have cost  taxpayers at least $230 million. Wynne was Liberal campaign co-chair in 2011. The Conservatives have several times as much as said they think the Premier is lying, without actually using the word.