Toronto issues Extreme Cold Weather Alert

Toronto has issued an Extreme Cold Weather Alert and is advising homeless people to seek shelter. Such alerts are standard and frequent during cold weather. The goal of making truly homeless people aware of coming dangerous weather is open to question. few of any access to media or informed source. But it i9s clearly better than nothing. Outreach and hostel workers may be able to communicate the information by word of mouth. This alert is in effect until further notice. Alerts are typically called in the morning for the coming overnight period so that community agencies have sufficient time to call in extra staff to provide enhanced services. During an Extreme Cold Weather Alert:
 • Shelters are directed to relax any existing service restrictions and are reminded that if a bed is not available at their site they are to allow the client to stay at the shelter until they are able to find a bed for them elsewhere in the system.
 • The City of Toronto immediately adds 172 shelter spaces to those available to staff looking to refer a client to a shelter bed.
 • Overnight street outreach is increased in the downtown core, focusing solely on warning people of danger and urging them to get into a shelter or another warm, indoor place. Workers will transport people to warm places if necessary.
 • TTC tokens are available at some drop-ins so people can use public transit to get to shelters.