A day like today is a good time to reflect on the verdant charms of Walmsley Brook, a natural feature of pre-suburban Toronto that ran across Mt Pleasant Rd. and down what is now Roehampton Ave. (map inset). There is a welcome plan to recreate as well as possible the feeling of Walmsley Brook in the Northern Lakes Landscape Design Project. This project will employ the green space in front of Northern Secondary School (inset) on Mt. Pleasant between Broadway Ave. and Roehampton. The project will recall “a dry river bed with trees, rock seating areas, planting and flagstone paths.” A news letter from Josh Matlow (Ward 22) says the final work “will provide a peaceful public space in a busy area.” Residents of South Bayview can see from the inset map that Walmsley Brook traversed the area north of Eglinton and then fell into the valley holding Talbot Park. The brook travelled on through Leaside and across what is now Laird Drive near Commercial Street. Near the infilled portion of Beth Nealson Drive it took a long tumble into the Don Valley and then joined the river, according to historians, The green space project is said to have been financed with $75,000 in developers fees. The picture of Northern Secondary School was taken in 1939 when the street was paved for the first time.