Bayview pothole adorned with detour arrows

News that the city’s pothole-repair program is underway will be good news for users of Bayview Avenue and other South Bayview roads. The polthole-sinkhole that opened up on Bayview just north of Millwood Road is now adorned with a huge “detour” sign with arrows pointing to  the centre lane for southbound traffic. No action on that one yet. But all up and down Bayview, Mt. Pleasant Rd. and Laird Drive there’s lots of work to do. The city says it will be doubling the number of staff fixing potholes to almost 100 (25-30 crews) over the next few weeks. During the last three years, the City of Toronto has repaired an average of 200,000 potholes per year. The City spends approximately $4 million per year to fix potholes. Residents are asked to call 311 to report potholes so that crews can be assigned to fix them. There are some ways to make it easier for the crew to fix a pothole. When you call, provide the precise location and street address if possible.  You are also asked to estimate the size of the pothole.   While city staff usually repair potholes within five days, requests are prioritized based on the amount of traffic on the road and the severity of the pothole