CP24 to carry Stompin Tom Connors memorial

There will be a live feed of the memorial for Stompin Tom Connors tonight.  CP24 has said it will carry the event live beginning at 7 p.m. from the Peterborough Memorial Centre. Connors was one of Canada’s most famous country and folk singer and songwriters. He died last week at his home in Peterborough at age 77.  The event ceremony planned to honour him will  feature a variety of live music, video clips, family photos and a recounting of Stompin’ Tom memories by close friends, musical peers and government officials that include former governor-general Adrienne Clarkson and former Liberal MP and Montreal Canadiens goalie, Ken Dryden. Stompin Tom Connors, A Celebration of his Life will be televised live province-wide by TV-COGECO.