Fraser Institute “report card” rates high schools

The annual Fraser Institute report card on high schools has revealed a very mixed bag in and around South Bayview. Inset is a list of seven local high schools and the scores given to them by the Fraser Institute in its latest report on how Ontario high schools performed last year. The first number is the score achieved on standardized testing in the current year and the second is an average of the school’s score in the most recent five years. Bloor Collegiate and North Toronto have really pulled up in recent years. They appear to be two of the Toronto area schools that are among the 20 fastest-improving secondary schools in Ontario. Fraser Institute said its 2013 report card suggests that school improvement is occurring across Ontario, with some of the biggest gains in the Toronto area. Even so there is lot of work to be done at schools like East York Collegiate and Jarvis Collegiate which is the only one of the seven shown here that is below its previous five year average.