It is essential to rediscover the profound identity of women and of men through archetypes. Hence, both men and women will be able to embrace their respective strengths, values, and aspirations, in order to build harmony. This seminar is dedicated to the understanding of the feminine and masculine polarities, so as to promote a new art of living together. An activity to free ourselves from misunderstandings and irritants, and to recover our joy and sense of humour!
On South Bayview |
New Acropolis appears to be a mostly South American and European body. The hearts of those involved may be in the right place but their simplistic appeal and over-done sense of belonging has gotten them into trouble in the past with government in France and Belgium. Most mature minds will find the New Acropolis appeal roughly like a sad pickup line — “”what’s your sign”” — or someting like that. But those with adolescents whose sense of themselves is not yet fully formed might wish to be aware of this trolling for recruits going on right here on South Bayview.