No Pope on first ballot, second vote Wednesday

Black smoke rose into the evening sky over the Vatican as a Conclave of cardinals failed to select a new pope on its first vote Tuesday. A second vote will be held Wednesday morning. Earlier story: Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church have entered their Conclave to decide through a run-off voting process who will be the next Pope. Amid public opinion surveys which show North Americans strongly favor a more liberalized Papacy, the Cardinals will continue to cast ballots until a two-thirds majority Pope is identified. There is speculation  that the decision will come Thursday. Canadian Cardinal Marc Oulette is apparently still a contender and Mark Mardell the BBC’s North American editor weighs Oulette’s chances (link below). The forces within the Church worldwide have led some to say that a Canadian Pope is a definite long shot however. The traditionally Euro-centric Vatican and the preponderance of Catholic populations in Africa and South America seem to suggest this is correct.  Mark Mardell