Playbills recall vital years of Bayview Playhouse

Virginia Cooper and Theatre Museum Canada have been kind enough to let us use some of the many playbills from productions which were staged at the Bayview Playhouse at 1605 Bayview. The Theatre, which has had many incarnations now, was built in 1936 as the Bayview Cinema. As Ms Cooper has noted, the theatre’s life as a film venue ended in the 60s. It was then that the Bayview Cinema became the Bayview Playhouse and began a distinguished additional 30 years as a place of live production. Ms Cooper was present at a recent meeting of supporters of the Leaside 100 film  being produced by public-spirited Leasiders Barry H. Samuels and Anthony Regan. Anyone with vignettes or physical recollections (pictures, film) are invited to contact the producers. As to the Bayview Playhouse, it has had a pretty interesting history in recent years as well. It was renovated as a grocery store by Bruno, the well known grocer, and then a couple of years ago became the Bayview Ave Shoppers Drug Mart. Much of that history was recorded as it occurred by the The South Bayview Bulldog and may be accessed here. The composite above shows playbills from Automatic Pilot, The Royal Canadian Air Farce, Harry’s Back in Town, Brel is Back, The World Goes Round, The Desert Song, Growing Up and Tableau.