Please don’t feed, shoot or hang out with coyotes

Glenn De Baeremaeker
Toronto’s defender and guardian of coyotes Glenn De Baeremaeker (Ward 38 Scarborough Centre) says don’t worry about the coyotes because they aren’t as much of a threat as you think. He says it is “ineffective” to shoot a coyote because it just opens up living space for another one.  Huh? Look, it is illegal for any ordinary citizen to fire off a gun in the city whether he is after a coyote or a rampaging elephant. The fact is, coyotes are not domesticated and they have the capacity from time to time to act in a way that is threatening to people and their pets. Mr. De Baeremaeker’s committee is on a tear to make a law that will stop anyone from feeding coyotes. Okay, but that’s a sham. The coyotes are here not because we set a place for them at breakfast. They are here because of the 24-hour garbage buffet. Garbage is why the promised land of recycling food into soil failed. It attracted vast armies of rats. It’s why we have so many raccoons (yes we know, we’re supposed to love them). The wisest course for city council is to give some simple guidance to the police and authorized animal control officers. It may, occasionally, be necessary to shoot a coyote. Sad but true. But  please stop talking about coyotes like Toronto is their city. Actually, it is ours and the coyotes are here because we’re prepared to have some of them in our midst. They are not an essential part of urban life.  (If you disagree with this post, please click the link at the top of the page and send us your comment).