Strange complaint against Mayor Ford

There is an astonishing story from a former election opponent who says Mayor Ford molested her at a public function. She is Sarah Thompson, publisher of the Women’s Post who ran against Ford in 2010 for mayor but withdrew a few weeks before election day. She did not go to the police but rather posted her story on Facebook after she got home from the event early Friday morning. Ms. Thompson’s story, and her general credibility given the way she has complained, has been widely criticized. Mayor Ford has categorically denied he touched Ms Thompson. There is however no way of knowing what crossed between them at the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee party at Arcadian Court.  Online polls are tending to show that a majority of  people don’t believe the story. But either way the allegations cannot help Mayor Ford. His problem is that his judgement in many areas has been shown to be faulty. He may mean well at all times, but that is unfortunately not enough. This is especially the case when the number of instances become burdensome. The CFRB radio link has audio with both Ms. Thompson and Mark Twohey the mayor’s chief of staff.  Story  Newstalk 1010