Talking about her complaint until 2014

Sarah Thompson has told a Toronto radio station that she thought Mayor Ford was on cocaine the night he allegedly molested her at a large party at the Acadian Court. This follows the mayor’s comment on his radio program on Newstalk 1010 that he feels Ms Thompson is “not playing with a full deck.”  These careless slanders invoke again Christie Blatchford’s observation that Mr. Ford and Ms Thompson are Mr. Train Wreck and Ms Train Wreck. None of it reflects well on either party. Nor does it seem right for the media to let them keeping cranking out insults which shed no light on the truth. It seems certain, given the many informed witnesses who have already come forward that there will never be a factual determination of the key question.  But it is more than clear that Ms Thompson’s agenda is to keep talking about the alleged offense from now until election day 2014. Frankly it seems doubtful that someone with her judgement could ever be elected mayor. Ms. Thompson’s rambling suppositions about the mayor’s condition — cocaine, diabetes, alcohol — are grotesque. It is equally apparent that by raking over the matter each morning in the media  she can  hurt the mayor’s chances at the next vote.