The line between casino and all-day kindergarten

As we see it there’s a line between the urgent insistence of government that we have a casino in or near Toronto, and the seemingly benign idea of all-day kindergarten.  It’s not a direct line, of course, the two parts are symbolic of the way Ontario has spent itself into a huge hole and now hardly has control over how it is going to dig its way out. There are many things on which the government has spent money– some less useful than all-day kindergarten — but taken together over many years they have turned Queen’s Park into a basket case. It’s no secret. When Dalton McGuinty trumpeted his blue ribbon report last year the author of that epic work, former TD Bank top economist Don Drummond, told the Premier to cancel the idea of all-day kindergarten immediately. It was way too expensive given the size of the provincial debt. Willful to the end, the government told Mr Drummond to shut up. There was an election coming and the kindergarten stuff was a yummy good vote catcher. And that’s fine. But as we ponder the scattering of lawn signs along Southvale Drive those who, like The South Bayview Bulldog, would rather not have a casino here, should remember how Ontario became so desperate for money.