Canada Post: Snail mail has had its tail kicked

How do you feel about picking up your mail at a “community mailbox” like people who live Canada’s hinterland. Or, maybe you would prefer to get mail every other day. Those are a couple of options Canada Post has for you  Or, you may be one of the increasing number of Canadians who don’t care if you ever sees a postage stamp again. It’s worth thinking about as Canada Post launches a national consultation with the public about how to make the service pay for itself. Although the Canadian postal model is exemplary compared to the antiquated state of things in the U.S., our post office is still headed for a $1 billion annual deficit by the end of  decade. As a writer for the Kitchener-Waterloo Record observed recently, “The great race between email and snail mail is over. And the snail got its tail kicked.”   CBC