Jaime Stein to climb Mount Kilimajaro in August

Jaime Stein

A Mt Pleasant and Eglinton area man, Jaime Stein, will be part of an ambitious project by public spirited Canadians to climb Mount Kilimajaro this August to raise funds for a Canadian National Cord Blood Bank. Mr. Stein is profiled in InsideToronto.com  A cord blood bank categorizes and saves newborn cord blood as a rich source of  stem cells to permit more effective transfusions for those suffering from a long list of illnesses. The Kilimajaro project is sponsored by Canadian Blood Services and has a catchy social media name for the climb – #Climb4Cord. Mr,Stein is inviting those interested to train with him. He is quoted in InsideToronto as saying: “I lost my dad to leukemia in 2006 and at the time, he was waiting to get a bone marrow transplant. (The National Public Cord Blood Bank) is a way to help Canadians and save lives. There are at least 1,000 people waiting for a stem cell transplant and that’s 1,000 people too many.” Canada is currently the only G8 country without a national public umbilical cord bank. Mr.Stein is a digital media marketing strategist with expertise in social media and content marketing. He has experience leading social media strategy for two national brands. He recently earned an MBA with a focus in Marketing and Strategy from the Rotman School of Management where he was selected valedictorian by the students of the Morning MBA Class of 2011. He is the former radio voice of the Toronto Argonauts and currently lives with his wife and two sons.   With information from Blogs about Climb4cord.  Also Canadian Blood Services.