Ontario men leaders of Algeria terrorist attacks

The CBC has revealed shocking information that two young men in their early 20s from London, Ontario were the leaders of the bloody terrorist attacks on an Alergian gas field project in January. The CBC identifies Xristos (Christos) Katsiroubas, 22 (right) and Ali Medlej, 24 (left) as two pals from high school who somehow became more and more alienated from normal life. The CBC report says that in 2007, when Xristos would have been merely 16, one of his relatives called authorities and alerted them to what he considered dangerous behavior. At some point, Xristos converted to Islam, a long leap from his Greek Orthodox origins. The CBC also says the two young men ended their horrifying mission by blowing themselves up as Alergian forces closed in. One had to be identified from DNA.  A former schoolmate of Xristos who saw him in recent years said he appeared to be pre-occupied with Islam and was difficult to reach on any other topic.  The friend said he and others urged Xristos to get a job and find some other purpose. The story does not appear to say if these men were born in Canada. Late Tuesday it was also revealed that a third young man, who attended school with Medlej and Katasiroubas, also traveled to Africa. But he did not participate in the gas field attack and is said to be alive in Africa. He has been identified at Aaron Yoon. A representative of the London mosque where Katsiroubas attended, Wael Haddara,  said people with views that “disavow the idea of loyalty to Canada” aren’t welcome in the congregation and so sometimes go off and form their “own little cliques.  CBC  The Toronto Sun has run an account of a classmate of Katsiroubas who called him “forgettable.”