Star says 21 on council will vote “no” on casino

Star writers Daniel Dale and David Rider say that 21 councillors have now declared they will definitely vote against a large downtown/waterfront casino. A majority of 23 votes is required on council to approve the project. The casino journey has seen the growth of a vigorous and widespread taxpayer opposition to the concept. Two other councillors are leaning to the No side — one of them, Ana Bailao, strongly. Even if two of those 23 councillors change their minds, the No side is still probably safe, barring some major unexpected development. The story says, “Some 15 other councillors are publicly undecided, including two, Glenn De Baeremaeker and Anthony Perruzza, who almost always vote with the left. The casino would still go down to defeat if the undecideds broke 13-2 in its favour, which is highly unlikely.”