Residents of the Kelvingrove and Glen-Leven apartments on Bayview Ave who are facing eviction will have a meeting Wednesday, May 29, 2013, with the local representative John Parker (Ward 26) and members of the Federation of Metro Tenants Associations. There will also be city staff on hand. The effected tenants, numbering perhaps 100, are invited to gather in the hall of St. Anselm’s Church on Millwood Rd at 7 p.m. The apartments are ultimately owned by the Civil Service Superannuation Board of Manitoba. Through holding companies the board served the tenants with notices early in May telling them to leave their premises by September 1, 2013. The notices were structured in a two-stage process in which tenants could sign off on their agreement to leave and receive some free rent until they are gone. Those who refused to agree to this would be subjected to the legal process by which the board would seek eviction notices under the landlord and tenant act. Just how easy or feasible this would be remains unclear. The effected units number some 67 out of 119. The remainder, 52, are already vacant as the landlord has not been leasing spaces for some time. The apartments were built in 1939 by a local contractor, Howard Talbot, who went on to become mayor of the Town of Leaside. The units are frequently referred to as the Talbot apartments.