A meeting of residents of the Talbot apartments on Bayview Ave. was held Wednesday night at St. Anselm’s Church. The meeting is said to have agreed that the landlord, through his various agents, is totally unreasonable to ask all tenants to just clear out by August 31, 2013. The tenants say there is every reason to do the renovations planned in a phased manner. No need for anyone to be thrown out. But will the Civil Service Superannuation Board of Manitoba see that what it is doing is in fact quite heartless? Elderly people expected to leave after as much as 40 years of their lives spent in this pleasant little enclave. One woman is 90. We said in an earlier post that the CSSB had taken care to put lots of distance, legal and geographic, between itself and the tenants of the Talbot apartments. But the power to change the CSSB’s high-handed approach lies solely with the members of the board’s investment committee. That’s why this battle should be fought in Winnipeg, not Leaside. The employees and pensioners of the Manitoba Government are, we daresay, decent people who know a heartless landlord when they see one. Do they wish to have this thing done in their name? We doubt it. Then there is the Manitoba Legislature. Knowing people, we feel sure there are members of the Manitoba Opposition who might wish to ask during Question Period about the unreasonable behaviour of the CSSB. The government party in Manitoba is the NDP. The deputy minister of finance sits on the CSSB investment committee. (Shame). The Opposition is the Progressive Conservatives. Oh yes, call the Winnipeg Free Press too.