34 percent a hard base of support for Ford

The Ipsos-Reid poll of Toronto voters seems to show that many are still more concerned about their money than the municipal embarrassment caused by Mayor Ford.  The poll is said to show that 34 percent of  voters would re-elect Rob Ford in 2014, despite everything. Even in downtown wards, four in ten are still ready to vote for Mr. Ford. For the other 66 percent of the voting population this may seem almost unbelievable. The explanation may lie in the capacity of the 34 percent to compartmentalize matters of public spending versus the mayor’s personal conduct. It would be a very long shot for the mayor to get re-elected today, but his core support suggests that he has something to build on. More than that, these days it isn’t easy to say out loud that you would vote for Rob Ford. There may be a number of crypto-Ford voters in that 50 percent of the voters who say they believe the mayor’s version of the crack cocaine saga. Still, the mayor faces what must be enormous personal pressure and it will be an uphill battle for him to carry on. Sources as disparate as the Toronto Star and friends on council have urged Mr. Ford to admit that he needs rehab. But it isn’t in the code of this tough and stubborn mayor.