Trudeau to return speech fees where he bombed

CTV is reporting that Justin Trudeau says he is willing to pay back money to any charity that feels it didn’t get its money’s worth when Mr. Trudeau spoke at its fund-raising event. He is quoted by the TV network online as saying: “I am going to sit down with every single one of them and make this right.”  The complaint arose with the New Brunswick Grace Foundation which paid Mr Trudeau $20,000 to speak at an event aimed at raising $300,000 but in fact lost money instead. And late last week, Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall called on Trudeau to pay back another $20,000 fee the Liberal leader collected for speaking at a literacy conference in Saskatoon. The organization was left with a surplus of just $7,000. “I just think in terms of an example of leadership that that’s the right thing to do at this point,” Wall said of his call for Trudeau to repay the money, according to CTV.