Bryant designs Scotiabank Carnival costumes

A local man, Bryant Sinanan of Forman Ave. has just completed another exciting contribution to the Scotiabank Caribbean Carnival. Bryant, shown here with friends at the festivities, is a costume designer and producer, creating the stunning creations seen each year during the exciting times down on the lakeshore. But the real work is done well in advance of the Civic Holiday fun in warehouses in the Toronto suburbs. This year Bryant, 44, spent months designing costumes such as the one so well-shown by the reveller at the right. “It’s just part of  my culture,” say the upbeat Bryant. He came to Canada as a child and was schooled from primary to high school here in the South Bayview area. Bryant attended Maurice Cody, Hodgson Senior Public School and Northern Secondary School. After graduating from NSS he pursued his passion in design and graphic art, graduating from Seneca College. Bryant knew he had to be part of the annual festival at an early age. “I am from Trinidad,” he says proudly. He found his way into the carnival through a cousin who was playing in a band. That was many years ago. Now Bryant has his own ticket to ride at the Caribbean Carnival.