DNA test hopes to tell who owned secret smile

Researchers are searching  a family tomb in Florence seeking a suitable DNA sample to compare to bones believed to be those of Lisa Gherardini, the woman long thought to be the model for the timeless Mona Lisa. The tomb is said to contain the remains of Gherardini’s children. No one knows how reliable any testing might be using ancient remains. Bones thought to be those of Gherardini’s were previously found in a Florentine convent. Geologist Antonio Moretti told reporters in the Santissima Annunziata basilica the tomb had an inscribed stone indicating it belonged to the family of Lisa Gherardini’s husband and sons. In her prime, she lived across the street from da Vinci. Gherardini died around 1542, . If the DNA tests are positive, experts plan to reconstruct the woman’s skull and compare it to the portrait.