Firemen on carpet for tweeting South Park drivel

Two Toronto firefighters have been suspended by their employer because they tweeted offensive remarks about women, according to a story in the National Post. The suspensions are confirmed by the the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association.  The story does not say if the tweets occurred on paid time or when the men were off duty. One of the tweets seems insulting, another has violent language. All are the work of apparently juvenile minds. According to the Post one read: “Reject a woman and she will never let it go. One of the many defects of their kind. Also weak arms.” Another tweet from the same account read: “I’d never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something I’d be like Hey! you get your b—- ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie.”  According to the Post, the second firefighter tweeted: “would swat her in the back of the head been considered abuse or a way to reset the brain?”  Alert readers have noted that the line about getting back in the kitchen is taken almost verbatim from a South Park sequence. See it here.