Fix is in for sure as Mayor Ford beats Hulk Hogan

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was in his own special world Friday, hamming it up in an arm wrestling contest against Hulk Hogan that somehow or other, the mayor actually won. How did that possibly happen?  Mr Ford could not contain himself as he told the crowd at Fan Expo Canada:  “I own this town, man!”   Before the tilt, the mayor played into the idea that this was a real contest.  “I don’t know if I’m going to win the arm-wrestle, but we’ll see,” he told reporters. “I haven’t lifted too many weights lately. We’ll see what happens.”  Hogan entered to applause and theme music. Mr. Ford came in wearing a suit and tie, but took off his jacket and tie in a show of getting ready. On winning (inset) Ford raised his arms in victory as Survivor’s Eye Of The Tiger played a victory salute. Ever the booster, the mayor then said: “It encourages people to come to this city, creates jobs and stimulates the economy. I’d like to thank the Hulkster for coming to town.”  Mayor Ford beats Hulk Hogan. So be it.