“Small overlap” tests: Honda Civic wins top spot

Small overlap test
The U.S. insurance agency known as the  Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has said that the Honda Civic earned top scores in “small overlap” crash tests. “Small-overlap” is a test that sees the full force of a head-on impact against the driver’s side of the car. The institute says this replicates 25 percent of head-on fatal accidents. It says similarly sized cars from Kia and Nissan fared poorly. The Institute put 12 new compact cars through the test, including two- and four-door versions of the Civic and two Kia models. The Kia Soul and Forte, as well as the Nissan Sentra, earned the worst  rating of “Poor” in the test. Kia and Nissan both pointed out that their cars have performed very well in other Insurance Institute and government crash tests. Kia also noted that the “small overlap” crash test “goes well beyond federal requirements.”