Colt surveys pasture realm from garage roof

And how did he get down? It’s simple really. This one-year-old colt descended the same way he clambered up on the roof. The garage from which he surveys the world in this unusual picture is built into the side of a hill (inset). It is not a wide path to the roof, but if you are a sure-footed young creature with four legs for balance it can be done. We judge that little length of roof just off the ground to be about a foot and a half in length. Pat and Stephen Downey of Hampton, New Brunswick run this horse farm with Stephen’s brother Archie. It was Archie who got up early the other day to find the colt up on the roof. He snapped a picture and sent it to his brother. No one believed it. The old photo shop trick, you know. But it was all real and it took some coaxing to get the colt back down to his pasture. Those old shingles must taste awful.