Forum Research poll shows Rob Ford “on a roll”

Pollster Lorne Bozinoff of Forum Research says Mayor Rob Ford is showing popular support similar to that which got him easily elected in 2010. Not only that, the poll was done before Ford’s photo-op meeting with Prime Minister Harper to announce federal funding for a Scarborough subway extension. The telephone survey was conducted for the The Toronto Sun. It  found Ford’s approval rating at 49 per cent.  According to the paper, the only time Ford has surpassed the 50 per cent mark was during his first few months in office. “He’s on a roll,” says Mr. Bozinoff as reported in the Sun. Also today, it seems the idea of a subway extension has wide popularity across the city. Thus it seems Mr. Ford may even be more popular than when the phone poll was taken. “Pictures say more than words,” wrote Sun columnist Warren Kinsella. “The Harper-Ford picture says plenty. Namely, the video is gone, baby, gone.”