Glory be! Riders find 110 bikes for Thorncliffe kids

The Morning Glory Cycling Club and Gears had great success with their joint campaign to collect bicycles for the children of Thorncliffe Park. Last Sunday, September 22, 2013, at East York Town Centre members of the club distributed 110 bikes of all forms complete with a new lock, helmut and bell to happy kids who, in many cases, could only dream of ever having their own bicycle. Andrew MacEachern, chair of the bike drive, told The South Bayview Bulldog that about 25 bicycles were held back for necessary refurbishing by the Gears mechanics before being distributed over the next few weeks. Mr. MacEachern  is seen above (right) with his co-chair for the event, Barry Gordon. Inset upper left is the long line up of patient parents and kids hoping for a bike.  The club’s website has more on the story. “There truly is nothing more infectious than a child’s smile and happy face and that was found in abundance yesterday,” the club’s webmaster commented. Thanks was also expressed to Kevin Wallace and colleagues from Gears for their public spirited efforts.