Hoping for new toilets at Trace Manes field house

The Community Centre at Trace Manes Park will be closed this fall for a minimum of two months beginning September 30, 2013. Sadly, tennis players will lose the use of the versatile 1967 building for part of the season but probably hardy racqueteers will carry on until the snow flies anyway. And two months is an optimistic estimate from staff today (Wednesday September 4, 2013) who feel that if things are done quickly there might be a chance of a Yule season bridge game in the handy and well-used field house. But the first order of business, say staff, are things like new windows and “environmental”  items. How like Toronto. Well, it’s all good but we have observed that the washrooms are  looking a little “green” as well, if you catch our meaning. So far no guarantee of new porcelain. The wish list is long. Let’s hope for some new plumbing fixtures for Christmas.