Leasider’s No Name adventure with Dave Nichol

Dave Nichol created No Name concept

Long-time Leaside resident Ian Slack and his wonderful wife SueEllen will be fondly remembered by those who were their neighbors both on Airdrie Road and later at 2 Donlea Drive. Ian has written from his retirement home to tell us an entertaining story about the late Loblaws retailing genius Dave Nichol who died earlier this week. Nichol was known to be a perfectionist and Ian witnessed this quality during an assignment at the launch of the No Name line in the 80s. He was there at a Loblaws store with a cameraman whose name will be protected. Nichol wanted everything perfect and when he saw a display wasn’t up to snuff he simply walked away and staff had to rush in to make it right. Then Nichol would re-appear and begin his spiel about whatever line was on the table, Ian recalls. Nichol’s demonstrations contained displays of the No Name items next to well known brands. In one display, the price of the brand name ketchup was lower than the No Name. It seemed odd so Slack asked Nichol if in some cases consumers would have to pay more for the No Name brand. Nichol looked at the prices and without a word turned and walked away. The crew came running out and changed the prices so that the brand name ketchup cost more. The Brand name in fact cost more but a staffer had priced it wrong. Nichol returned to continue the interview but before Ian could ask a question his cameraman blurted out an appalling insult. “You’re attitude sucks,” he told the chief executive. Stunned and horrified Slack could only watch as once again Nichol walked away. Five minute later he returned and Slack was full of apologies for his cameraman’s insane behaviour. As he tried to make amends Ian’s phone started ringing. It was the news director asking “What the Hell is going on there?” Needless to say, Nichol had complained about the cameraman, something that doesn’t seem too unreasonable. As Ian tells it, he finished the interview as quickly as possible and made a run for the door. The cameraman was suspended for three days for his odd and untimely outburst. No word on the staffer who made the pricing error but we can only imagine.