Not much time left for 308 Rose Park Drive

It surely won’t be very long now. The heavy oak doors and other elegant woodwork have been stripped from the interior. The porch light and electrical fixtures have been ripped off the exterior. Someone has even dug up the nearly 90 year old flag stones that formed the front walk. And then on Thursday, September 19, 2013, Enbridge sank a hole across the street and turned off the gas to 308 Rose Park Drive in Moore Park. Outside on the nice little boulevard that lines the street, the mandatory orange plastic mesh tree fence has gone up to protect the maples. They are only about 45 years ago, planted in sadness too when the original elm trees all died off from the wretched disease. In this instance, the orange tree fence also protects the unique stand-alone street lamps that line Rose Park Drive. They remain in use from the 1920s. A short walk to the rear past the original milk box is the large yard. Stretching across nearly 70 feet, it will be fine for the two town homes to be built here in the months to come. The owners — all of them — are gone but neighbors have many memories of their friends and events (inset) like the 2011 Rose Park Drive Street Party where magician Tricky Ricky beguiled kids in the driveway to 308. So long 308.