Month: September 2013

“Clown” is giving English town the creeps

Northampton clown

The Belfast Telegraph newspaper is reporting that a creepy and so-far anonymous clown has been terrifying residents of Northampton by standing around on street corners and staring at passers-by. It says the clown bears a striking resemblance to Pennywise from the 1990 film It, which was adapted from the Stephen King novel of the same name. The clown made his first appearance on Friday 13th.  However sinister he may seem, the clown has a Facebook page and is “liked” by 70,388 for whatever value this number may have. According to the Northampton Herald and Post the clown has appeared in several locations and on each occasion has worn the same white face makeup, red wig, all-in-one suit and oversized bowtie. Belfast Telegraph   Clown’s Facebook

Hi neighbour! Need a Hells Angels mug or shirt?

It’s just every BIA’s living nightmare come true — a Hells Angels “shop” down the street as an added incentive to attract tourists and such like. Of course the OPP Anti-Biker Enforcement Unit thinks the shop is a really a Hells Angels club house. It is located on Carlaw Ave. in Leslieville, just a short distance from the HA clubhouse that was raided and closed a few years ago. Nonetheless, the shop appears to be legal and Paula Fletcher (Ward 14) acknowledges that. But she says the neighbors will be keeping a close eye on activities there.  The Hells Angels are widely considered to be involved in organized crime. The shop is called 81 (the eighth and first letters of the alphabet are H and A) and sells T-shirts, mugs and other similar paraphernalia.   

Costa Concordia sits upright in the Italian night

At approximately 4 a.m. on Giglio Island the engineers checked their measurements and sure enough, the Costa Concordia was sitting at 90 degrees to the sea floor. It is still submerged but that is the next manoeuvre in this amazing feat of physics. This picture is courtesy of the Telegraph newspaper which tells the story in rolling tweets. The left side of  the ship, as seen here, is mud-caked and damaged. Editors compared the image to something that looks like a “before and after the makeover” picture.

Nightfall sees liner 16 degrees higher than it was

Night has fallen over Giglio Island in Southern Italy and the cruise liner Costa Concordia has been raised a full 16 degrees toward a 90 degree towing status.  It has 65 more degrees to go. Those slanted lights on the right mark the liner. How much longer will it take?  The workers are settled in for a long job. Even though the salvage immediately fell behind schedule, the salvage team were unconcerned last night, arguing that timetables had been “indicative” and that for them the important thing was to right the ship safely. The start was delayed by a tremendous rainstorm in the early hours of the morning. The storm caused no damage but it delayed preparations by three hours. Another problem with four of the 36 hydraulic cables that pull the ship to a vertical position also delayed the salvage. In the end, all being well, the Concordia will finally be upright some time Tuesday. CBC

Environment Day is Saturday, September 21

John Parker

Toronto Environment Day will be observed by a smiling John Parker (Ward 26) at East York Town Centre on Overlea Blvd. on Saturday, September 21, 2013. There appears to be a wide range of things that will be taken in for disposal at this useful event. Old cellphones, propane tanks, inkjet and laser cartridges — even unused medicine. There will also be an opportunity to buy composters, garbage bins and kitchen counter wet garbage containers. It happens between 10 a.m.and 2 p.m. We have resisted calling it Honest John’s Flea Market but add this aside here because we know the councillor has a sense of humour. More information

Salvagers move Concordia 3 degrees to upright

The engineering task to right the Costa Concordia cruise ship is underway and has so far moved the 114,500 ton vessel three degrees. It is, obviously, painstakingly slow work with fears for the safety of workers or a catastrophic break up of the ship. So far it seems to be going more or less to plan. “The ship has lifted off the rocks,” said Sergio Girotto, an engineer for the joint Italian-US salvage operation, which will cost 600 million euros ($800 million) so far. “The first hours were the most uncertain because we did not know how stuck the ship was,” he said

Liberals, NDP pick candidates in Toronto Centre

As politics would have it, both the NDP and the Liberal Party held nomination meetings Sunday for the bylection to be held, maybe this fall, to replace Bob Rae in the riding of Toronto Centre-Rosedale. The NDP picked Linda McQuaig (inset top) famous stormy petrel from the pages of the Toronto Star. It is said of Ms McQuaig that she has never seen a status quo she did not wish to topple. Over at the Liberal nomination, the riding membership voted to have Chrystia Freeland (inset lower) described as an “international journalist”, represent the Justin Trudeau party when the election is called. We are indebted to the Star for the specifics of these two victories, although the information is widely available on the Internet. Reading the Star for information about politics is to be reminded that there is no prism like their own prism for reporters to espy stories about reporters. Susan  Delacourt leads off her report like this: Toronto, no stranger to newspaper wars, now has a whole new kind of media war looming in the Toronto Centre byelection — the battle of the former journalists. Just so. Somewhere after this byelection comes the lurking redistribution of federal constituencies. It will not apply until at least the general election of 2015.  As it stands, the former Rae bastion of Toronto Centre will be chopped into two or more pieces. The most improbable of the new ridings is that of University-Rosedale. It’s political affinity cannot be known. UR would contain Moore Park (and possibly Bennington Heights) Rosedale, Bloor Street West and the U of T, Chinatown and much else. The Chinese demographic has been well-courted by the Conservatives. It seems careless of the CP not to be busier here than they appear to have been. 

Hudson Dr in Moore Park listed at $2,195,000

A large post-war bungalow on the ravine side of Hudson Drive in Moore Park is now being listed for $2,195,000. The home at 113 Hudson is on an irregular lot which appears to have been part of the Simpson estate land, much if which was sold off after the original family moved out 70 years ago. The mansion remains privately-owned down the street today. But 113 is a pretty home with walkout facilities to the rear. It has a single car garage.  

Long boards flood Deer Park, take over Yonge

Thousands of young men and women gathered in David Balfour Park off Avoca Ave. Saturday to mark what they call “The Toronto Board Meeting.”  Those who live in the area will know that there have been others — organizers say this is the 11th annual. The name is a cute little play on words for those who love to travel by long board. It may be an insult to the sport/hobby but the long board seems like a grown up cousin of the skate board. From Balfour Park, “members of the board” spilled out onto to Yonge Street and shortly after the dinner hour more or less took over the street (above). Others found their way into Avenue Road and down to University Avenue. Once again this year, the cheerful boarders managed to conduct this takeover of the streets without injury. It isn’t clear just what the police knew about The Board Meeting in advance but there’s no doubt many motorists were caught off guard.  Nonetheless, the earnest young boarders were well-behaved. The men all wore ties (it was a board meeting you see) and one might easily have mistaken them for Upper Canada College kids carousing on the Oriole Park school field. Some of the participants were  interviewed by Calvin To of CTV and it is entertaining to hear their interpretation of boards as the new millennium of inter-city travel. And this is your warning to watch out for the 13th annual board meeting in mid-September next year.