Sleuth of Baker Street event Sunday, Sept 8

The Sleuth of Baker Street at 907 Millwood Rd. will host a party for a friend, Helena Nelson, who has had a story published in an anthology called  Nefarious North. It will take place Sunday, September 8, 2013 at 2 p.m. at the shop. Sleuth says that many of the contributors to the collection are better known in the romance and para-normal fields but it is very much worth coming out to meet Helena and many of her co-contributors. Some of the contributors who are saying they will be present are:

Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

Karen Blake-Hall
Linda Cahill
Cindy Carroll
Jeffrey Charles
Karen Dales
Graham Freeman
Patricia Kennedy
Ray Livingston
Heather Mac Archer
Rosemary McCracken
Kollene McKeown
Helen Nelson
Steve Shrott