“Smashed” film shown to Leaside High kids today

From Mothers Against Drunk Driving MADD:  The word “smashed” will take on a whole new meaning for students who see MADD Canada’s 2013-2014 School Assembly Program. Emotional and realistic, MADD Canada’s new program, called Smashed, demonstrates just how easily and quickly a night of partying can turn to tragedy when someone makes the wrong decision. MADD Canada and Ontario provincial partner LCBO officially kicked off the Ontario tour of Smashed today with a special screening for students and staff of Leaside High School in Toronto. Thanks to the support of LCBO customers and staff, 1,050 presentations of Smashed and its French companion program, Impact, will be delivered to a half million students in schools throughout the province, at absolutely no charge to the schools. Smashed shows how characters Natalie, Pete and Kelly ditch a school dance to go to a house party with Johnny. Once there, Natalie starts drinking. When Johnny, who has also been drinking, leaves the party to get pot, a drunken Natalie makes the terrible decision to go with him. Kelly and Pete do everything they can to stop Natalie from getting in the car but she won’t listen. Kelly calls 911 and then she and Pete get in her car to follow their friend. What happens next is a nightmare that none of the young friends could ever have dreamed. The fictional story is then followed by real-life stories of three people who are victims of impaired driving