Tim Hudak dodges PC leadership review

For the Ontario PCs, getting rid of Tim Hudak as leader right now would be a bit like changing horses in the middle of the river. Whatever you think of Hudak, he hasn’t yet had the traditional two kicks at the can that every party can expect, assuming his members are of sound mind. We have written here previously about how Hudak’s time as leader so far looks a lot like that of Mike Harris. He went from a widely held public personae as a loser to a leader who won two majorities. What we do know is that the present Premier, Kathleen Wynne, will fight with the ferocity of a wildcat to hold on to power.  At the weekend convention in London,  PC delegates waved red cards to vote no to a leadership review and shouted “shame” when a few souls flashed their blue cards to indicate their support. “I’m feeling buoyed by the energy at this conference,” Hudak said. Mike Harris was among those waving a red card. Previous post