Vacancies on Bayview: Take my store — please!

The year that started it all — 2008 – is mercifully receding into the past. But the so-so business conditions that it established everywhere seem to be with us still. On South Bayview, as on most business streets, retail space is going begging. Rents may be too nigh but the underlying issue is a lack of confidence among even seasoned retailers that they can really make a go of it. Conditions on neighbouring streets like Mt. Pleasant, are just as bad, if not worse. In the north block, the large double store at 1685 that recently held Detail home accessories remains un-leased. Word has it that some offers have been made to turn it into a restaurant but the landlord is resisting that. We get it. Southbound from there, the former Country Store location is already open (without a sign yet) as a new stationery store, Essence du Papier. It has been especially sad to see the Sentry at 1633 Bayview empty after 17 years of business, Near Millwood Rd., Byford RE has the shop at 1517 for lease. On the west side of Bayview, there is a sign in the window of 1600 but it is in anticipation of the departure of the condo and town home showroom  which may happen later this year. And the former Landmark, former Highway 61 is still for lease.  The best news today is that a new tenant seems set to nip off the nice space next door to The Elegant Garage Sale.  That’s the former Teaopia location.