Warm smiles at Valumart indoor barbecue

Here are a couple of images of our rainy South Bayview day. It’s a shame we could not trade Friday’s weather for today’s, but it was ever thus. Top we see some welcoming smiles at Tremblett’s Valumart from the inside barbecue. It was scheduled to be outside but forget that. Staff was cooking up burgers and weenies on the  permanent stoves in the prepared foods area and these ladies were in charge of serving the fixings beside cash. Below, it really doesn’t matter if it is pouring rain when soccer is your passion. These three young guys in Moore Park were absolutely indifferent to the pelting water as they tried to outdo each other with moves on the net — or saves. They were not far from home and a dry change of clothes.  Around South Bayview there seemed to be evidence of  the adage that people go shopping when it rains.  Bayview Ave was busy and the parking lot at the Smart Centre was crowded.  Sunny tomorrow!