Here is a link to an interesting article from BlogTO about a rental property ($16,000/mo) in Governor’s Bridge Estates. That’s the development that is accessed off Nesbitt Drive just off the Bayview extension. The viewpoint is that the place is for rent because it’s hard to sell a home in GBE. The east side of development sits over the extension and has always lacked appeal for that reason. Being relatively new, it is without trees. They might have tried harder to fix that but trees aren’t cheap. The fact is, people in all parts of South Bayview expect trees. They are an essential part of the mystique of the neighborhoods and certain stands, like the oaks of Moore Park, are nothing short of a national treasure. This article and the links in it take the tack that GBE was an attempt at re-inventing the wheel. Maybe. If developers had followed the blueprints for the wheel carefully it could have worked out. BlogTO