Robert Crump, the manager of Toronto Parks, has delivered the news that the Hodgson Public School outdoor rink will be shut down for a season beginning immediately. The rink dates back to 1980 and has been living on borrowed time. It is the last of the city’s antiquated “direct ammonia” rinks and according to Crump repair personnel say they can’t be sure where the next ammonia leak will occur. They express fear for the pupils in Hodgson school next door. As legions of kids, hockey players and parents will know, the Davisville Ave rink is a popular spot. It has also been a challenge to get the Toronto District School Board to let the city do their work on TDSB property. According to Mr.Crump: “The City originally scheduled reconstruction of the rink in its 2005 capital plan and requested a 20 year renewal of the shared use agreement for the right to renovate and use the AIR located on TDSB property at 282 Davisville Avenue. TDSB did not take action on the proposal. We asked again in 2008, again to no avail. We asked again in February this year after we experienced a minor ammonia leak (the second in two years – one from a leaking pipe in the floor) and were advised it would cost over $50,000 to remove and replace the 6,000 lbs of ammonia in the system in order to replace the major valve that had failed and caused the leak. The refrigeration mechanics who work on our equipment expressed real fear that they didn’t know where the next issue was going to crop up and were concerned for both their safety and that of the public, particularly the children in the adjacent school. After much foot dragging on the part of the TDSB, and much prodding from parks staff, it appears we finally have their approval to extend our shared use for another 20 years.