Raging bull and Ms McConnell |
Ward 24 member of City Council Pam McConnell is okay after that raging bull performance by Mayor Ford Monday. As seen in he pictures (inset) Ms McConnell is literally bowled over by Mr. Ford as he rushes to join in an imagined rumble in which his brother was involved. This school yard performance begins with Mr. Ford barreling along a narrow aisle at City Hall council chamber. He seems to think he can slip right by Mr. McConnell but of course is absolutely unable to do that. In the centre pictures he might be trying to muscle her out of the way but the impact has knocked her off balance. At bottom, she reels backwards barely avoiding a bounce off the floor, but members of the mayor’s staff catch her. “I was pretty shocked,” said Ms. McConnell.. “I had the stuffing knocked out of me, and the location I was hit in was very dangerous. So I feel extremely lucky, like I had angels on my shoulder yesterday.” It was a brief incident on the day that saw the mayor and his brother, Doug, isolated at city hall. In fact, today brought more shunning of the Ford brothers both at City Hall and in Ottawa, where Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism said Ford should immediately stop dragging Toronto through this embarrassment and resign. Kenney is the member for Calgary Southeast.