Glebe town homes meeting set for Tues, Nov. 26

The choice parcel of land in the heart of the Glebe is the source of a lot of interest. The former site of Glebe Presbyterian Church is proposed as the site of a six, three-storey attached townhouses. They would sit over a common garage of 13 parking spaces and for the main part face onto Thurloe Ave. The church, before it was demolished last year, carried the address of 124 Belsize Drive even though its main entrance was at Thurloe and De Savery Crescent. There is still public consultation to take place before these homes are built and one meeting will take place Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 7 p.m. at North Toronto Community Church, 7 Eglinton Ave. E. This notice comes from Josh Matlow (Ward 22) who says he will be there.  As indicated in previous posts, with the demand for of homes in the Glebe and an added amenity like an underground garage, the value of each unit will be substantial. Profit to the builder would be very handsome as well if he paid only the listing price of $2,800,000.   This proposed project may seem attractive to residents here and elsewhere considering the frequent attempts by developers to challenge zoning with multi-level towers