Lamb Hall full for Fabulous Christmas Fair

Inset Lorna Krawchuk 

The St. Cuthberts Anglican Church Fabulous Christmas Fair on Saturday was a busy and profitable affair both for the church and shoppers. At noon, an hour after opening, all of the many little rooms in Lamb Hall were filled with to a friendly closeness. More than 200 fair-goers had waited outside at 11 a.m. There was fun in the air and an excellent sandwich lunch to be had as well. The “cafeteria” was zoned off in the church’s little theatre room and business was brisk enough to push some diners to take tables up on the stage. It gave them a nice view of the other side of the room where people were busy signing in for the auction. Inset, church stalwart Lorna Krawchuk and her friends in the women’s auxiliary organize and run this fair as well as the other many activities at St. Cuthberts. Lorna was saying how pleased she and the auxiliary are to have representatives from the 69th Toronto Scout Group helping out this year. All those healthy young men can lift and lug stuff. The 69th is a venerable organization which was created at St. Cuthberts in 1923.