Now U.S. TV brains try to explain Rob Ford

It’s come to this. Bill O’Reilly and Piers Morgan sitting with psychoanalysts and others to try to explain Rob Ford.  Some will consider it funnier than late night comedy. Surely the only thing left now is a question for Jay Carney as to what the president will do about the mayor of Toronto. The migration of our mayor’s pig-headed behavior to “analysis” at Fox and CNN was low on enlightenment. It centred mainly on the puzzlement of those at these all-news juggernauts to understand how such a thing could happen. “Can’t they get rid of him?” Bill O’Reilly asked reporter Martha McCallum. It did cause a cringe to hear Piers Morgan remark that one doesn’t often hear a man say he smoked crack cocaine while in a drunken stupor.  This is a vulgarity some will say is uniquely probable from the mouth of our embattled chief magistrate. Listen, maybe the president does have a solution.  It would be a nice break from the Obamacare shambles.