Sea of red and white to greet vets at Sunnybrook

In the early morning hours of November 11th just off Bayview Avenue  thousands of Canadian flags will be planted on the lawns in front of Sunnybrook Veterans Centre. The flags, which were purchased by citizens and corporations to raise funds, will honour and inspire the 500 Canadian veterans living at Sunnybrook. The health centre says that when when the vets awake on Remembrance Day “there will be a sea of red and white flags in a magnificent tribute and show of appreciation, from Canadians far and wide who have not forgotten their courageous contributions”. Proceeds from the campaign will go to the Veterans Comfort Fund at the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre. This fund provides veteran residents with things such as computers, community outings, and continued learning opportunities, all in an effort to enable Veterans to attain the best possible life experience while at Sunnybrook. Raise A Flag