Sheer Hell as police cruiser wrecked in crash

This shot tweeted by Tom Podolec shows the side of the unmarked Toronto police car following an accident at Bloor St. West and Neilson Drive in Etobicoke. Constable John Zivcic. a seven year veteran, was responding to a traffic call when he was in collision with another car. The driver of that vehicle, which is just visible on the left through the wreckage in the above picture, was a woman. She is said to have escaped with minor injuries. From the appearance of things, the impact of PC Zivcic’s vehicle with a utility pole and a tree, after contact with the other car, hurled the policeman out of his cruiser and onto the pavement. He has undergone surgery at St. Michael’s Hospital and is said to have injuries which are life threatening, His car, a Ford Taurus, was painted dark gray and was equipped with large rubber bumpers at the front. Parts of the car were strewn over the intersection, including a detached rear wheel.